Saturday, October 13, 2012


For families who lose their child to a fatal condition, photographs are so very important. They, along with pieces of clothing or foot print molds, are often the only things we have to remember our babies by. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is a wonderful organization staffed by volunteers who take pictures of babies who are stillborn or expected to die shortly after birth. Our photographer from Heartlove Photography took some truly amazing images of Peter that I would like to share with you all. 


  1. How beautiful those photos are! And what a beautiful little boy!

  2. <3 I just saw this. I think about you guys every day!

  3. I absolutely LOVE the ones of his hands and his feet! So precious! I just found your blog while going through comments from my post last summer on my blog (Baby Rachel's Legacy) that you had commented on. (someone had replied in that thread to your comment so I was reading what you wrote and you were close to having him at that point I think) So, that is why I am so late reading this, but he is absolutely beautiful. I also love the little tree you got for him. I love doing that for Rachel too and remember how emotional that was the first year so seeing your photos really brought back memories. I hope you are doing well, all things considered and that God is granting you a special measure of peace as you walk through this thing we call grief. Love, Stacy
